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日本では素晴らしい時間を過ごしました ❤️
We had a wonderful time in Japan
This tour wouldn’t have been possible without a lot of incredibly nice people : first of all, Mariya Tabe of course, and his lovely family, and Cyrille who was a great help during all the tour, Ryuta Iwai, Kengo Minami, Hideo Kinosita, 香椎宮 / Kashii-guu, 城下公会堂, Jun Iwata, Tomomi & Hisashi Kano, 土屋節子, Enne_nittouren, Tomoko Kaizawa, Isariyo Atsushi, Music Bar Hokage, Tao Nashimoto, Shigeru Mihara, Chinatsu Komagata, Atelier Sentô, ペンション赤い屋根, Katsuhiko Miyasaka, 栞日 sioribi, Toru Kikuchi, The Piano Man ピアノマン, Daigo Yamamoto, 東京国際フランス学園, Sylvain Lamothe, Jean Basile Roland, Florian Ruiz, カラビンカ, Takada Yohei, 新宿メリーゴーランド, Gargle, Jun Minowa, Satoshi Ikeda, 木目鳥 Mokumedori, Hello1103, Osteoporosis, VJ Tomo, Gen Nagashima, CINEMA AMIGO, and every people who came to our shows. Sorry if we forgot anyone…

Takuma Shindo Adrien Demont